
Restore The Health of Your Plants With Microbes

  Plant microbes can play a critical role in maintaining healthy plants through new landscape installations, transplanting, growing your own food...

Gardens in the United States Are Lacking in This Essential Nutrient

You may have heard that probiotics, beneficial bacteria found in foods like yogurt, are good for your health. You may also know that taking antibio...

Learn About the Different Types of Fertilizers

Knowing the Different Types of Fertilizers Can Help You Improve Your Plants’ Health As a gardener, you know the importance of fertilizing your lawn...

Why use Mycorrhizae Products?

The use of Mycorrhizae products has grown exponentially throughout the last few years, but many plant growers may still be wondering what exactly what they are and why they should be used.

Mycorrhizae for Houseplants

Mycorrhizae have long been recommended for use to help outdoor crops and plants in gardens. Still, now the argument is also being made of the benefits of Mycorrhizae for houseplants, and a good reason.

Mycorrhizal Granules

Mycorrhizal granules are used to help with the growth of some species of wildflower plants. The granules should be applied to the planting hole during planting in just a small pinch of between 0.2 and 0.4 grams.

Mycorrhizal Inoculant Products

Mycorrhizal Inoculant is a term given to beneficial fungi that helps increase the number of beneficial microorganisms at the root of plants. This encourages growth and enables the plants to take full advantage of soil nutrients by improving their uptake of those nutrients.

Fruit Trees and Mycorrhizae

Fruit Trees and Mycorrhizae

Well, it’s that time of year again. Bare root fruit season. Those dormant purveyors of our favorite fruity deliciousness are ready to plant and mor...
The Magic of Mycorrhizae

The Magic of Mycorrhizae

There is something happening beneath your feet. It is not widely known and cannot be seen with the naked eye. Yet it’s profound in its importance f...