Well, it’s that time of year again. Bare root fruit season. Those dormant purveyors of our favorite fruity deliciousness are ready to plant and more importantly, to bloom out and set fruit.
Here are some quick tips for getting those new plantings off to a great start.
Check your drainage. If you know your soil has poor drainage, consider building a mound or berm to keep the roots crown above wet soil.
Plant the tree at the height it was in the nursery. This will be visible by a slight change of color in the trunk. When watering in, be sure to account for soil settling in fast draining soil by adding an inch or two to planting depth.
Prune back trees if you want to encourage low fruiting wood. You can go as low as knee height (15 – 20 inches).
Paint the trunk do prevent sunburn on delicate newly planted trees. An interior white latex diluted with 50% water should work fine.
Lastly, add mycorrhizae directly to roots. Plant Success Granular or Soluble is a fantastic choice. Granular can be sprinkled directly on the roots while the soluble can be watered-in. The beneficial mycorrhizae and bacteria colonize the root system and lessen transplant shock, water and fertilizer needs. It also enhances absorption and availability of key nutrients bound up in soils. The root system is the stomach of the plant and benefits from a robust beneficial microbe population.