Plant microbes can play a critical role in maintaining healthy plants through new landscape installations, transplanting, growing your own food, and any other gardening activity you are engaging in. Plant Success Organics offers carefully selective and most effective strings of bacteria and fungi to promote a healthier garden.
Benefits of Using Plant Microbes
Plant microbes can offer a variety of benefits for your garden including:
Improved Plant Nutrition
Simply put: When your plants receive an appropriate amount of nutrients, they thrive! Using organic microbes can help support your plant nutrition goals and ensure that your garden’s general health remains intact through any changes.
Extended Root Systems
A stronger root system also contributes to better nutrient absorption and a longer lifespan for your plants. Using microbes can help extend the roots of your plants to ensure that they have every possible opportunity to draw necessary nutrients from their soil.
Better Moisture Retention
Dehydration and underwatering are two major threats to your plants’ health. Because microbes help your plants retain moisture, they will absorb more water and use it more effectively.
Enhanced Fertilization
Plant microbes are the perfect organic extension of your other fertilizer products. Rather than using chemical fertilizers, a microbe is an organic solution to help your garden thrive as it would in nature.
Get Better Plant Microbes for Your Garden
At Plant Success Organics, we strive to offer the best possible plant microbe solutions for your garden. Our wide array of microbes for gardening can cater to your specific soil type. Packed fresh for maximum optimization of colonization, you can select whether you want microbes in water-soluble or granular form.
To learn more, view our plant microbe products here or view where you can buy them in-store at your favorite gardening retailer.
Want to share the benefits of microbes with others? Check out this post in infographic form!